

Browse our library of pressure mapping and force measurement resources, including eBooks, Case Studies, On Demand Webinars, Whitepapers, and much more.

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What is 15-20 years of peace of mind worth? Not having patients complain because of TMJ symptoms after treatment? Not having patients complaining about broken cusps? Problems with relapse? What is that worth to you for 20 years? T-Scan may appear expensive at first, but in the long run gives you


I can unequivocally say that I've never purchased a piece of technology that returned an investment faster than the T-Scan™. It is the one piece of equipment that I use on every patient that I work on, especially for full mouth rehabilitation. I just can't live without it. The way technology is


[Tekscan's] work is spectacular, and more exceptional than I thought it would be. The sensors work great. They can detect the slightest pressure accurately. It is way beyond my expectations.


We had already used the standard flexible sensor in other jobs and product trials in the past, so we were familiar with its large dynamic range and excellent linearity and accuracy. But the instrument design needed a much smaller sensing area than the standard sensor provides. Turnaround on the


From all the available force-sensing technologies, we selected the FlexiForce as the best combination of durability, price, and accuracy. In questioning different sensor manufacturers, we liked the availability of an off-the-shelf, single-point sensor because we could easily purchase a few and then


The nip sensor (NPAT™) has been a valuable tool in diagnosing nips in real-time, checking proper crown, nip widths, and leveling out pressure across the web. It is a great tool for nip performance and profile consistency.


I use the F-Scan™ system and MatScan™ system because of the results the technology provides. The MatScan system illustrates a comprehensive view of a player and allows me to see any discrepancies with leg length or load-bearing force differences quickly. The F-Scan system enables me to see a players


We use the Tekscan MobileMat™ with SportsAT™ exclusively with all of our research projects that involve a balance assessment component. The ease of using this technology eliminates any of the guesswork usually associated with visual (manual) scoring of the BESS. We strongly feel that the information


We had one patient the other day came in complaining that #3 was tender. She was missing several teeth. We had been talking to her about bridges or implants to replace those teeth, and she wasn't really interested. When she came in with #3 symptoms this week, we used the T-Scan, and showed her why


I've been using the Tekscan I-Scan™ system for 20 years. It's great for helping to visualize the pressure variations in nipped roller processes or within wound rolls. When I heard about the Versatek™'s WiFi capability, I immediately knew it would help show what is happening inside a winding