What are Tekscan's Computer Requirements?

For your Tekscan system to function properly, your computer must meet or exceed the following.

(Note: Dental system requirements can be found on the What are the dental T-Scan™ computer requirements? page)

Suggested Minimum Computer Requirements (desktop, laptop, or tablet) for all Tekscan Systems:

  • Windows® 11 or Windows® 10 Home or Pro Version (64-bit version only. ARM not supported. How to check if my OS is 64bit.)
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM minimum, recommended 16 GB
  • 1 available USB 2.0 or higher port
  • Internal or external Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n) adapter (for Wireless systems only)

Are Tekscan systems compatible with tablet computers?

  • Yes, if they meet the requirements above for 64 bit Windows computers.

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Is Tekscan software Windows 11 compatible?

Yes, all Tekscan software including T-Scan Dental has been tested and is fully compatible with Windows 11. 

Here are the full system requirements.


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Error: Handle Driver is Not Loading - Error Code 52

Issue: T-Scan or I-Scan doesn't see the Evolution handle. The Device Manager shows Code 52 error.

T-Scan 9.1 Handle Driver Error


First enable Windows Updates on your system. Install all the critical updates and see if this fixes the Code 52 error.

If not, this could be caused by a required security patch from Microsoft (that is missing). Info on the update needed:


Download of the update:


"SHA-2 certificates require KB3033929 on Windows 7

If your certificate uses SHA-2 or has SHA-2 certificates in its chain of trust and you are using it to sign kernel modules, then you should be aware of KB3033929, an update for Windows 7 distributed through Windows Update. On versions of Windows 7 without this update, the kernel will reject signatures made with certificates that use SHA-2, so they cannot be used to get a kernel module to load."

Select your Windows OS, download, install and re-boot the computer.

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Error: No More Available Handles

Issue: When trying to open a new Real-Time Window, you receive the error message: "No more available handles" (shown below).

No more available handles.No more available handles.

Solution: Close the software. Plug in the Evolution™ Handle (or VersaTek™ Hub and Cuffs). Then open the software.

If you are creating a new recording, the Evolution Handle (or VersaTek Hub and Cuffs) must be plugged in before starting the software. If you plug in the Hardware after the Tekscan software is running, you will see this error message when attempting to open a new Real-Time Window.

Note: In rare cases, a system reboot may be required.

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Does Tekscan software support local languages?

Question: Does Tekscan software support local languages?

Answer: Tekscan systems support a multitude of languages, including English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish. Please refer to the table below to see full language availability.

Product Chinese Traditional Chinese Dutch English French German Greek Italian Japanese Korean Polish Russian Spanish
API1 (n/a)                          
API2 (n/a)                          
CoM'Nalysis™       X                  
ELF™       X                  
FastScan           X              
FastScan Mobile           X              
F-Scan™ X X X X X X X X X X X X X
F-Scan™ Mobile X   X X X   X X X X   X X
Grip™ X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Handheld       X                  
Hoof™ X X X X X X X X X X X X X
HR Mat™ X X X X X X X X X X X X X
I-Scan™ X   X X X X X X X X X X X
MatScan™ X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Presto-Scan™ X   X X X X X X X X X X X
Saddle™ X X X X X X X X X X X X X
TireScan™ X   X X X X X X X X X X X
T-Scan™ X   X X X X X X X X X X X
Walkway™       X   X              
Wiper™ X     X X X   X X X   X X

Note: Additional Software modules like SAM™ (Sway Analysis Module™), STAM™ (Stance Timing Analysis Module™), and TAM™ (Timing Analysis Module™) are supported by the same languages as their parent software.

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My software does not recognize my Evolution Handle. I get the error: No Handles Found

Issue: My software does not recognize my Evolution™ Handle. I get the error: No Handles Found

Solution: First, check the indicator light at the end of the Handle near the cord. If this is not lit, then the Handle is not getting power. If the indicator light is amber in color, rather than green, you will want to uninstall the device driver for the Evolution handle.

Click the Start button and right-click on Computer. Select: Properties. On the System window, click: Device Manager.

Windows Device Manager

Find Tekscan in the list.

Device Manger

Right-click on the driver for the Evolution Handle.  Select: Uninstall.

Then, unplug the USB cable.  After a brief moment, plug in the USB cable.  Windows should now be able to find and install the driver for the Handle automatically.

If Windows cannot find the driver automatically, insert your Tekscan CD,  exit from the CD's installation program, and then have Windows find the driver in the Drivers folder on the CD.

Always plug the handle into the same USB port on your computer. Otherwise, Windows may force you to reload the device driver.

If the error persists, you should confirm that Evolution is listed as one of the available Handle types in the No Handles Found error message.  Then, reboot the computer.

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How to view pressure data ASCII files with the extension .asf?

Question: How can I view array pressure data ASCII files (with the extension .asf)?  When I try to open a .asf file, Windows Media Player opens and says that it cannot play the file.

Answer: Microsoft uses the ".asf" file extension for Advanced Streaming Format files.  Usually, you will want to open any ASCII data file that you Export from your Tekscan application in Excel, or in another spreadsheet program.

To do this, start Excel first.  You can then Open the .asf file in Excel.  (Hint: you will need to see "All Files (*.*)" in order to see .asf files.)  This information will also apply to other Tekscan ASCII file extensions, .asg for ASCII Graph data, and .asc for ASCII COF data.

When you open the file in Excel, this dialog box will come up:

Excel dialog box - Text Import Wizard Step 1 of 3Excel dialog box - Text Import Wizard Step 1 of 3

You need to choose "Delimited" as the file type (as shown above).  (The .asf file is a Comma Delimited file.)  Click Next

On the Next screen, you need to check "Comma" as the Delimiter.  You can then click the Finish button:

Excel dialog box - Text Import Wizard Step 2 of 3Excel dialog box - Text Import Wizard Step 2 of 3

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How to show a continuous movie without having to continually push play?

Question: How can I show a continuous movie without having to continually push play over and over again?

Answer: You simply need to hold down the Shift key (on your keyboard) when you click the Play button for the movie to play continuously.

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Changed settings are not remembered after the software is closed

Issue: When I change settings, they are not remembered the next time I start the software. These settings may include:

  • User Preferences
  • Recording frequency
  • Frame rate
  • Recording duration
  • Recording trigger parameters
  • Units of measure and the number of decimal places they are reported with
  • Display properties

Solution: These parameters are stored in an *.ini (configuration settings) file that is stored in the same folder as the Tekscan software. This file will be named with the same file prefix as the Tekscan program you own. For example, if you have Tekscan's I-Scan™ software, the corresponding file will be named iscan.ini.

The likely cause of the problem is that, either this *.ini file is set to be read-only, or, the Windows user account, which is currently logged onto the computer, does not have permission to make changes to the folder where the Tekscan software is installed. This *.ini file records changes to any settings that are changed. If you cannot change this file, then the software will always revert to the original settings in this file.

Log on to the computer with the Windows Administrator account. Then, try changing the acquisition parameters or the measurement unit settings and close the software. If this changes the setting permanently, then you will know that this is a user rights issue. Also, check the properties of the Tekscan folder to make sure that the files in this folder are not set to read-only.

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Error: Operation must use an updateable query

Issue: I get the error message: "Operation must use an updateable query" when I try to create a new patient or save a movie in my Tekscan database.

Solution: This error message: “Operation must use an updateable query” will be displayed whenever the Tekscan software does not have change permission for the Tekscan database file. This database file is an *.mdb file stored in the "Database" folder beneath the "Product Installation" folder. Whenever you create a new patient, or save a new movie to the database, the Tekscan software must make changes to the database file. There are several possible problems that would produce this error message:

1) The database file *.mdb is a read-only file, which is not allowing the Tekscan software to change it. Look for the "Database" folder, which is probably in a subfolder of the program installation folder C:Tekscan...Database. Make sure this entire folder is not checked for read-only in the Windows properties. Sometimes if the "Database" folder is copied to CD and then to another computer, it will retain the Read-Only status that it had on the CD.

2) The database is not marked as Read-Only, but the Windows account used to log onto the Windows XP computer does not have permission to make changes to the database. If you are logged onto the computer with a user account that is in the “Users” group, this would restrict changes on any files that are not in the “My Documents" folder. You must use an account that is part of the “Power Users” group and you must make sure that this user group allows full rights to the C:Tekscan folder and to all of its subfolders. This may also occur if the database resides in a network location that the current Windows user does not have permission to change. You may need to have a network administrator make these changes to the user account.

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