Successful Orthodontic Treatment Starts with Digital Occlusion
T-Scan and Orthodontics
Orthodontic treatment is now more accessible than ever with Invisalign, Six Month Smiles and braces for adults. While most patients seek ortho for cosmetic reasons, it is important for you to maintain a healthy occlusion so these patients will remain satisfied with the results of orthodontia for years to come. T-Scan™ gives you accurate, digital data related to the patients occlusion so you can balance bite forces properly throughout orthodontic treatment. This means, possibly preventing chronic side-effects such as:
- Idiopathic Condylar Resorption (ICR)
- Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)
- Chronic Myofascial Pain (CMP)
- Apical Root Resorption (ARR)
Tekscan offers dentists training opportunities and courses to learn more about balancing occlusion during orthodontia with T-Scan.
More resources:
- Orthodontics and Occlusion: Case study
- How T-Scan Saves Orthodontic and Clear Aligner Cases. Video interview
Download The Orthodontic Application Brief
. . .The T-Scan III system offers orthodontists immediate access to patient’s functional occlusion. They can see the static and dynamic quality of inter-arch contacts in real time in a form that can be preserved in a record for comparison at any future date.
-Cohen-Levy J., Cohen N. Computerized Occlusal Analysis in Dentofacial Orthopedics: Indications and Clinical Use the T-Scan III System