AACA Sutter

AACA Webinar: The 5 Reasons why Measuring Occlusion Digitally is Essential

September 14, 2022, 9:00 pm

The 5 Reasons why Measuring Occlusion Digitally is Essential

Tekscan is proud of our affiliation with the AACA and is thrilled that so many AACA doctors have embraced the use of T-Scan digital occlusal technology in their practices. These dentists have found that T-Scan is an essential tool in their practice that improves patient care – one they all wish they had acquired sooner.

In this webinar, Dr. Ben Sutter, a longtime user and advocate of the T-Scan will speak to these key points:

The 5 Reasons Why Measuring Occlusion Digitally is Essential

  • Learn the 5 reasons it is essential to be measuring occlusion digitally.
  • Explore how a technology like T-Scan Occlusal Analysis can be implemented into finishing your clear aligner cases and more.
  • Review case examples that showcase why better data drives better decision making

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Dr. Ben Sutter

Dr. Ben A. Sutter, currently practices general dentistry as a solo, private practice owner in Eugene, OR. Along with fellowship status in many organizations, he has been actively using T-Scan clinically in his office for a decade. He is the author and co-author of over 30 peer reviewed articles and abstracts and serves as an editor and peer reviewer for many journals. His clinical, research, and teaching experience brings a wealth of knowledge to any discussion on Physiologic Occlusion.