Tekscan™ sensors can map the pressure distribution between two surfaces and until recently could measure with spatial resolutions as tight as 0.6 mm (0.02”). The introduction of three new high resolution sensors (6304N, 6312N, 5008N) has narrowed that resolution to as close as 0.1 mm (0.004”) apart to detect details of complex shapes. The sensors are ideal for applications in:

  • Nip Measurement
  • Semiconductor
  • Film/Converting
  • Machine Die
  • Medical Devices
  • Small Fuel Cells 


Looking for standard sensors instead? Visit our pressure mapping sensor database.

At Tekscan, we are always innovating to meet the sensor needs of our customers.

  • We design and build new sensors based on industry needs like our new battery pressure sensor.
  • We help clients design unique sensors to sizes and high resolution specs that perfect for their product or custom specific application need. 
  • Our sensors are embedded in many products that you probably don't know about. And we can't tell you since our customers don't always want their competitors to know!

Our engineers and designers have the experience and integration knowledge you need. Contact us to discuss how we can help!