Mike Ozog demonstrating Tekscan sensors for Design Engineers
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Design Engineers Choose FlexiForce

Design Engineers Love FlexiForce™ Sensors

Why do design engineers love FlexiForce™ sensors?  Is it because they can be customized into virtually any shape or size?  Is it because of the inexpensive prototyping options?  Perhaps it is thanks to their low-power requirements, linear output, or paper-thin profile.

Watch this brief but informative tradeshow presentation by Mike Ozog, FlexiForce Sales Engineer at Tekscan to learn more about FlexiForce tactile force sensors and why successful product designers in the medical device, industrial manufacturing, and consumer electronics industries have chosen to integrate FlexiForce sensors into their products.

Find an upcoming event near you. Our engineers would be happy to meet you and discuss your force sensing requirements.