

Browse our library of pressure mapping and force measurement resources, including eBooks, Case Studies, On Demand Webinars, Whitepapers, and much more.

Displaying 101 - 110 of 180
On Demand Webinar

Learn from Dr. Curtis Westersund in this informative webinar with a calm, realistic approach to the problems you see in your office every day.

Datasheets & Guides

Covering Circuit Selection, Sensitivity Adjustment, and Other Key Electrical Recommendations

Datasheets & Guides

Featuring Key Mechanical Recommendations to Ensure a Successful FlexiForce™ Integration.


What is 15-20 years of peace of mind worth? Not having patients complain because of TMJ symptoms after treatment? Not having patients complaining about broken cusps? Problems with relapse? What is that worth to you for 20 years? T-Scan may appear expensive at first, but in the long run gives you

Articles & Research

Thanks to innovative minds and developments in technology, robotic surgical systems continue to advance.

On Demand Webinar

In this webinar, Dr. Jason Campbell of the Advanced Prosthetics Institute focuses on the use of technology to identify and treat difficult cases.


Considering FlexiForce for your OEM product or device? Check out this video with key tips to help ensure successful mechanical integration.


Throughout this guide, you'll read about dentists from around the world who use T-Scan to improve treatment outcomes, expand their patient population, and grow practice revenue.


Manufacturing control & diagnostic products embedded with FlexiForce sensors allow the operator to feel what is happening in the manufacturing process, from beginning to end.


I can unequivocally say that I've never purchased a piece of technology that returned an investment faster than the T-Scan™. It is the one piece of equipment that I use on every patient that I work on, especially for full mouth rehabilitation. I just can't live without it. The way technology is