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Articles & Research

This article showcases how tactile sensing technology used in R&D or clinical research settings can essentially "Map the Path" to an innovative, first-of-its-kind medical device.

Articles & Research

Tekscan's CTO Rob Podoloff provides key advice for companies to save on the embedded force sensor investment.

Articles & Research

No matter the application, engineers often wonder about the best method for measuring force feedback. This article breaks down how common embedded force-sensing technologies compare. Learn how force-sensitive resistors (like FlexiForce touch sensors) compare to load cells.


Part I of the Clinical Chronicles of TMD Resolution with Digital Occlusion: Dr. Curtis Westersund, TMD expert and long-time T-Scan user, shares his knowledge and unique, digital protocol for orthotic delivery in this NEW ebook!


Exploring Both the Direct and Indirect Cost Savings of Selecting FlexiForce Touch Sensor Technology for Your Force-Sensitive Application


See Four Ways FlexiForce Touch Sensors Can Be Used to Capture Force Feedback

On Demand Webinar

Take a look at how digital occlusion technology can help you conquer bite problems with real clinical examples!

Articles & Research

With more and more patients electing to use home-use therapies for their medical treatment, ultra-thin force-sensitive resistors can capture important force feedback to improve the usability and effectiveness of small, smart medical devices.


Designing Devices with FlexiForce Touch Sensors to Help Improve Safety and Consistency of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitative Practices.

On Demand Webinar

Tekscan's CTO Rob Podoloff shares innovative concepts for embedding FlexiForce touch sensors into common therapeutic & drug delivery devices.