How to export and import EMG traces with BioPAK software?
Question: How can I export and import EMG traces that are synched to T-Scan™ movies?
Answer: It is easy to export/import traces from/to BioPAK.
- Export: Select the patient in the BioPAK patient directory. Select [File], [Copy], [To...] and use Browse to select (click on) the "temp" directory on your hard drive.Click OK. Then, OK again (directory of patient's traces appears). Highlight the trace(s) you want to export and click OK.
- Import into an existing patient's record: Select patient from the patient directory. Click on [File], [Copy], [From...] and use Browse to highlight the location where the files reside on your hard drive. Click OK. Highlight the traces you want to import. Click OK.
- Import a new patient: From "Patient" menu (First one) select [Patient], [Copy]. Use Browse to select location of patient files. Click OK. Click OK to finish.