Digital Dentistry Week in Baden-Baden, Germany

Digital Dentistry Week in the town of Baden-Baden, Germany with speakers from around the world! With attendees from 20 different countries, and 4 simultaneous translators, the speakers at the conference really demonstrated the advantages of digital scanning, digital design, digital workflow- and this was just the first day! Lots of dentists stopped by to have their bite scanned using T-Scan digital occlusal analysis technology.

-Don Delgado, International Account Manager, Tekscan Dental

Dr. Lerner, a T-Scan User, poses with a colleague at the Digital Dentistry galaDr. Lerner, a T-Scan User, poses with a colleague at the Digital Dentistry gala

Don Delgago working the booth in Baden-BadenDon Delgago working the booth in Baden-Baden

The grandeur of the Digital Dentistry Implantology Week meetingThe grandeur of the Digital Dentistry Implantology Week meetingCelebrating Women in DentistryCelebrating Women in Dentistry

Dr. Henriette Lerner presentingDr. Henriette Lerner presenting

Gönneranlage Botanical Gardens served as a backdrop for the meeting in Baden-BadenGönneranlage Botanical Gardens served as a backdrop for the meeting in Baden-Baden

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