Seeing is Believing: How Visual Proof of Bite Imbalances Fuels Case Acceptance for Dr. Kevin Muench

Dr. Kevin Muench began his own private practice almost thirty years ago, and today boasts a number of distinctions in the dental community. Originally attracted to dentistry as an opportunity to combine art and science, Dr. Muench developed a passion for occlusion and as such, the tools available to accurately measure it.

“Today I see occlusion as a case-by-case riddle. I’m trying to see how harmony can be re-established in the system of joints, muscles, and teeth.”

To literally see patients’ occlusion in his operatory, Dr. Muench uses T-Scan.

With the digital occlusion analysis tool, he is able to measure the force and timing of teeth coming together, identify and demonstrate imbalances in a patient’s bite, and refine final adjustments to appliances.  

Not only is T-Scan demystifying occlusion for Dr. Muench in his everyday practice procedures, but it’s also demystifying occlusion for his patients.

Check out Dr. Kevin Muench’s Clinician Spotlight to read about the outstanding results he gets when patients can finally see what they’re feeling when they bite, in a way no one has shown them before!


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