Clinician Spotlight: Mark Duncan

Dr. Mark Duncan DDS, FAGD, DICOI, LVIF

Dr. Mark Duncan DDS, FAGD, DICOI, LVIF had the opportunity to sit down with us for this exclusive interview.

How are you using T-Scan™?

I have three major uses:

  1. New Patient Experience​--As a part of the Occlusal Screening it allows the patient a view of their mouth and system and here I focus on center of force and high early contacts​.
  2. Restorative Pre/Post Delivery--Verifying the occlusal scheme we are looking to rebuild
  3. Dialing in Orthotic occlusion--On initial delivery my first bite check will be with TENS and ribbon only - verify trajectory with K7 Scan 5... and look to see how close we appear

Once the trajectory of close is verified, I will place Vaseline coated ribbon on the lower part of the T-Scan™ and using touch-free support, place the sensor in and TENS the mouth to create a muscle guided close and simultaneously mark the teeth and record the bite. Then adjust accordingly. This speeds the process, as I am not needing to compare where I think the patient bites one time to where the bite marks are. I'm finding there is a significant time savings over the traditional approach of TENS into ribbon and adjust... and TENS into ribbon and adjust. Rather than waiting for the patient to feel a difference or feel if it is simultaneous - I can record the bite and know. Then, it is just a matter of knowing verticals and if I need to add or adjust.

What value is it bringing?

Speed and efficiency for sure - and better intuitive understanding for the patient. My primary reason to be excited about it is the speed and efficiency. I believe that rather than telling a patient that we have 5 post delivery adjustments ​facing us, that I will tell them we have 3 and expect to be done at 2.​

Is there a return on your investment in T-Scan?

T-Scan in practice

ROI is at least a two-part answer. I think that having a different experience on the front end​ for the patient will allow them to move forward with treatment more frequently--the intuitive understanding 1) this office operates at a higher standard and 2) of their own bite. They literally own the bite problem because they see how the contact order and balance of force line up and they understand it without explanation.

What does T-Scan mean to you?

It's the most intuitive micro-occlusal tracking technology available that will help patients to understand and accept complex treatment and help doctors to simplify and complete complex treatment. Literally the answer we have always been searching for in how to mark and adjust tooth to tooth contacts!

Dr. Duncan is currently the Clinical Director at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies and is involved in teaching the Core 1-7 courses as well as a variety of non-Core programs at LVI. He has dedicated his efforts to advancing the understanding of the science that supports decisions made in dentistry. Through his exposure to Neuromuscular Dentistry and his involvement with LVI in the rapidly growing field, Dr. Duncan has been able to share the ever changing understanding of our profession with people from around the world.

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