Want to learn more about gait curves and how they can benefit your work? Look no further. Renowned podiatrist Dr. Howard Dananberg hosts three webinars to explain what gait curves are, how to interpret the information, and review actual cases and diagnosis with the help of Tekscan's F-ScanTM in-shoe gait analysis system.


Part 1: Understanding the Gait Curve

A gait curve is a graphical representation of the human walking process, showing forces on the foot over time. Watch this 20-minute webinar to get a deeper understanding of foot function and movement which will help you identify issues and pathologies in human gait.

Here’s what will be covered:

  • The role of pressure measurement in gait analysis
  • Internal and external rotations during gait
  • Loading and unloading during gait
  • The effect of foot mechanics on the gait curve

Part 1: Understanding the Gait Curve


Part 2: Powering a Step & Measuring the Results

Gain greater insight into how the timing and position of limbs in motion can impact loading and unloading.

Here’s what will be covered:

  • The significance of the swing limb
  • How foot position/structure affects weight distribution
  • The timing of loading/unloading
  • Orthotic prescriptions to match power generation with utilization

Part 2: Powering a Step & Measuring the Results


Part 3: Clinical Case Studies Using F-Scan

Review actual patient cases, demonstrating how the F-Scan in-shoe gait analysis system can be used in everyday practice.

Here’s what will be covered:

  • How the relationship between joint motion, self-support, and speed of walking make pressure analysis a very valuable instrument
  • How to evaluate changes to gait style, speed, and pattern of weight transfer to make treatment decisions
  • Interpretations from F-Scan data

Part 3: Clinical Case Studies with F-Scan