Friday, May 29, 2015

New T-Scan Software Version 9.0

New Software Release for T-Scan™ Digital Occlusal Analysis System

Tekscan Launches Software Version 9.0

Tekscan, Inc. has recently released the latest software version for the T-Scan™ system, a digital occlusal analysis device that measures the timing and force of contacts in the mouth using sensor technology. The 9.0 software release was designed to increase the ease-of-use and clinical value for dentists who use perform occlusal analysis in comprehensive dental medicine.

The software upgrade was designed in response to growing trends in digital dentistry, such as comprehensive data-driven treatment planning and digital workflow integration. Former software versions would allow dentists to analyze occlusal forces with arch model representations in graphs. New features of the software allow clinicians to import 3D digital impressions into the arch model, portray contact forces directly on contact locations, and identify premature loading on dental implants. Other features in the software improve the user experience, such as real-time handle installation; click-on outlier functionality; upper and lower arch views; MP4 video format files; and TMP structure for patient file transfer.   

The software functionality will still provide timing and force data on the arch, showing the timing of teeth coming together, the forces on each tooth over time, and the left-to-right balance of forces across the dentition. An optional ASCII output model is also being revived with the launch, allowing researchers to export a Microsoft Excel compatible CSV file that captures the entire scan in an alphanumeric format, with each value representing the raw sum of a particular Sensel™. This is a benefit to researchers who want to compare results from scan to scan, or closure to closure, in a quantitative way.

"We are responding to a shift in dentistry where clinicians are digitizing the workflow and providing comprehensive care with computerized tools," said Sarah Hutchinson, the Dental Product Manager at Tekscan. "When we translated the feedback from our customers and the market, we began working on making the T-Scan software more user-friendly, accessible, and relevant to the work dentists are doing every day in their practices."

Beta testers included clinicians from all over the world, including Dr. Sarah Qadeer of Thammasat University in Thailand. "I'm so impressed with the dynamic, new features and updates. The interface looks much improved," said Dr. Qadeer. "T-Scan 9.0 is intuitive, comprehensive, and extremely user-friendly for new and old T-Scan users alike."

T-Scan is used by clinicians to identify and analyze occlusal imbalances in a variety of dental applications. Software data is used clinically to identify a source of pain or discomfort, verify balance and pressure across the dentition, validate a potentially damaging contact, signify contact timing, and more.