FujiFilm Pressure Distribution Mapping System for Prescale FPD-8010E

The FujiFilm Pressure Distribution Mapping System for Prescale FPD-8010E works with Prescale film to quantify pressure data in numerical format. The system includes:

What's Included with Purchase

The digital analysis system is composed of software, a scanner, a scanner cover, a calibration sheet and installation manual.

Prescale Software

Specialized Software
Converts Prescale density values into pressure values.


Several models of Epson A4 scanners can be used (Epson V370 pictured above).

Prescale Film Scanner

Dedicated Cover
This manuscript hold-down scanner cover improves data-read precision.

Prescale Calibration Sheet

Calibration Sheet
The calibration sheet limits scanner read errors to a fixed range.

The system consists of dedicated software that converts Prescale density values into pressure values, a scanner, a scanner cover to improve data-read precision, a calibration sheet to limit scanner read errors to a fixed range and an installation manual.

Please note: This product can be delivered only to the United States and Canada at this time.

How Prescale Digital Analysis Works

Prescale™ pressure indicating film measures contact pressures as low as 7.25 psi up to pressures as high as 43,500 psi.  When pressure is applied, tiny microbubbles burst within the film to show the various degrees of pressure, through color density, that corresponds to the pressure and pressure distribution.

3 Simple Steps:

Prescale Pressure Film Output
1. Prepare the used Prescale film.

Prescale Pressure Film Scanner
2. Scan the used Prescale film.

Prescale Software Output
3. Carry out purpose specific analysis using FPD-8010E software.

Prescale Digital Analysis System quantifies film output.Prescale Digital Analysis System quantifies film output.


Fuji Digital Analysis System output

  • Overall measurement, including average pressure and maximum pressure
  • Partial enlargement of specific areas
  • Pressure cross sections analyzing specific points
  • Wire frame for 3-D view
  • Total weight distribution display on a bar graph
  • Histogram analysis
  • Output data to a text file
  • Step-by-step pressure distribution animation

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