What is FootVIEW™?

F-Scan GO is the next generation of the F-Scan In-Shoe Pressure Measurement system. The F-Scan In-Shoe system provides dynamic pressure, force and timing information for foot function and gait analysis.

The new F-Scan GO system features completely cordless electronics, and is the only In-Shoe Gait Analysis system on the market with the ability to collect data at sampling rates of 500 Hz, which is necessary for impact and sports applications.

This new software simplifies collection and analysis by focusing on the features most commonly used by researchers and provides a modern interface which can easily organize information. The new docking regions allow you to organize important information such as in-shoe pressure distribution and graphs, peak pressure data, and 3-Box Analysis can be presented in a single dashboard. 

FootView for F-Scan GO is available in 2 software configurations.


FootVIEW Pro

FootVIEW empowers clinicians to:

Designed for researchers who need advanced features like:
  • Easily detect asymmetries
  • Evaluate the efficacy of support devices, rehab, or surgical techniques
  • Maximum sampling rate of 100 Hz
  • Develop injury prevention protocols
  • Optimize sports performance
  • Clinicians can easily store and organize pressure sensor recordings into folders linked to patient records with the Patient File Management feature
  • Synchronization with Biomechanics laboratory equipment
  • Additional data analysis
  • Faster sampling rates (500 Hz)
  • Supporting their efforts to:
    • Optimize movement & functionality
    • Predict the outcomes of interventions like surgeries, orthotics, and assistive devices
    • Measure dynamic movement in sports applications

Here is our FootVIEW vs FootVIEW Pro feature comparison chart.

Tablet-friendly user interface streamlines data collection and analysis


3 Box Analysis 

  • Automatically segments the foot into heel and forefoot regions
  • Easily display force loading curves to measure symmetry and timing of foot function.
  • Export to customizable printable report templates for documentation and patient education. 


Peak Pressure Analysis

  • Identifies and quantifies the peak pressure areas
  • Confirms the efficacy of offloading treatments
  • Generates a report showing before and after comparisons.

Patient Management

The FootVIEW Patient Management provides an interface for organizing and storing pressure sensor recordings. The system stores a list of patients and automatically stores pressure recordings into folders linked to each patient record. Recordings collected for each patient may be accessed and opened for analysis through the patient’s record.

Additional Features

peak pressure report screenshot

  • Center of force trajectory
  • Sensitivity adjustment provides flexibility to change pressure ratings to meet the needs of the subject you are testing
  • Automated Analysis with Reports
  • Real-time status view of TekDAQ devices
  • Wi-Fi enabled communication and control for TekDAQ devices

View a sample peak pressure report

View a sample 3 box graph report

FootVIEW Pro

FootVIEW Pro includes all the functionality of FootVEW with additonal features designed for dynamic activities and research in a biomechanics library

ASCII Export

ASCII Export allows sensor data and graphs to be imported and analyzed in external software. 


Data Reader Toolkit (DTR)

Allows for direct integration with external software for analysis of recorded data.

  • Maintain data in .FSX format
  • Analyze recordings with C#, MATLAB, LabVIEW, and Python
  • Open and read Tekscan data directly into preferred analysis software.

External Trigger

An optional trigger bundle can be purchased with F-Scan GO with FootVIEW Pro to receive a TTL level signal from an external device to trigger the start of the F-Scan GO recording.



FootVIEW Software System Requirements

FootVIEW and FootVIEW Pro requires a Windows based computer, laptop, or tablet. It will work on any 64bit Windows system, which includes all Microsoft Windows 11 systems, and many Windows 10. See our FAQ for details.


fscan go tablet

FootVIEW Feature Comparison


Download the F-Scan Data Sheet

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