Industry leaders have discovered the critical and expanding role pressure mapping technology plays in battery formation for optimizing performance, maintaining quality, ensuring safety, and advancing battery technology through research and development efforts.
This session will catch you up on what you need to know and will provide insight on integrating continuous pressure monitoring into battery management systems to assess battery health during battery lifecycle testing in R&D and manufacturing. Specifically:
- Improving battery performance and safety (R&D)
- Pressure mapping provides valuable insights about internal processes occurring within the battery during formation, allowing for timely adjustments or corrective measures to ensure consistent quality in the manufacturing process to improve yields.(Quality Control)
- Continuous pressure monitoring can be integrated into battery management systems to assess battery health. Changes in pressure can indicate changes in internal conditions or possible defects, enabling proactive maintenance. (Operation)
Join pressure mapping expert Raul Oreste from Tekscan to learn how you can leverage the technology to characterize and validate battery pressures.
Learn about Tekscan's upcoming product release in 2025, TQi. TQi will measure pressure in a networked environment over OPC (open platform connectivity server), scalable for industrial production.