How to convert Resistance (Ohms) to Force (lbs)?
Question: How can I convert Resistance (Ohms) to Force (lbs)?
Answer: The easiest way to convert Ohms to lbs is via a simple calibration curve (Excel works great). Take our sensor and place known weights on it, record the resistance (with a multi-meter or other suitable resistance reader), repeat until you have as many points as possible. This is a very elementary curve, which will not be linear. The Conductance (inverse of resistance (1/R)), however, will be relatively linear. Graph Conductance vs. Force and fit it with a line of best fit. The corresponding Y=mx+b equation that fits the line will be your resistance to force correlation. Y is the conductance value (1/R) you read when testing, m and b are constants found via the line of best fit calibration, and x is the corresponding output force value in lbs assuming you calibrated with known lb weights.
Conductance vs force graph