How fast is the Prescale System's minimum measurable pressure application speed?
Question: How fast is the Prescale System's minimum measurable pressure application speed?
Answer: The minimum measurable pressure application speed is 1 msec. At faster rates, accurate data cannot be guaranteed since microcapsules and color-developing material would absorb the pressure. As for the slowest speed, there's no limit unless pressure is repeatedly applied.
Correlation between pressure and micro-capsules
Micro-capsules in varying sizes and wall strength are used for Prescale. The size of the micro-capsule and the strength of its wall correlate with pressure. Large micro-capsules and micro-capsules with thin walls are broken by low pressure and small micro-capsules and micro-capsules with thick walls are broken by high pressure. The size of individual micro-capsules varies but starts as small as several µm. Small micro-capsules are coated on the Prescale to measure high pressure, and large micro-capsules are coated on the Prescale to measure low pressure.
Correlation between color density and micro-capsules
The volume of color forming material in micro-capsules and color developing material determines the color density.