Dental Practioners: Would you like to...

Reduce Remakes and Minimize Repeat Visits?

Dentists report that their crown remake rate went from about 17% to 2% by using T-Scan.

Educate Patients on the Value of Treatment?

Dentists report that on average 85% of patients accept their treatment once they can visualize their occlusal problem with the help of T-Scan data. 

Differentiate Your Practice and Build Your Revenue?

Dentists report that numerous patients seek them out due to T-Scan; and for some dentists, T-Scan has generated in excess of six-figures of incremental revenue.

As many dentists can agree, incorporating new technology for measured, digital occlusal analysis will contribute to your growth and success.

T-Scan is a tool that some would say is "invaluable" to their practice. Measured occlusion is so critical for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, but it's also a differentiator. Helping patients with their bite problems has helped dentists create profit centers, save time in treatments, and gain case acceptance. When you compare the price of T-Scan with other tools and technologies used in your office, the value of T-Scan is clear. It's a tool that you can use with EVERY patient, providing you with undisputable payback on your investment. 

If you haven't seen our T-Scan ROI guides, visit those resources now.

Fill out the Form to the Right to Speak to a T-Scan Specialist that can show you firsthand the value of incorporating a T-Scan into your practice - and to share T-Scan pricing and financing options that make T-Scan an extremely affordable tool, as compared with our technologies used in your practice.  

Read below to hear what your colleagues think about T-Scan. 

T-Scan ROI