Evaluating Tire Performance at High Speeds

Figure 1: As shown above, the High Speed TireScan mounted to a tire testing drum can capture multiple passes of the tire at high speeds. The tire footprint image shows an average tread variation across a tire after a long test duration.Figure 1: As shown above, the High Speed TireScan mounted to a tire testing drum can capture multiple passes of the tire at high speeds. The tire footprint image shows an average tread variation across a tire after a long test duration.


When an automobile is traveling at high speeds, centrifugal forces cause significant physical variations that impact a tire patch. These variations include changes in tire distortion and pressure point positions, as well as changes to the tire’s center lines and shoulders. Generally, tire design engineers employ the finite element analysis model (FEA) to calculate how these factors may affect a tire’s lifecycle over time. However, the FEA cannot provide the clear, visual evidence of what is happening to a tire at high speeds.


One tire manufacturer used a High Speed TireScan™ system on their testing drum. The sensor was mounted directly onto the drum, which allowed the design engineers to collect multiple passes of the tire at speeds up to 265 km/h (165 mph). This gave them a good idea of the tire shape in their testing parameters, including whether the contact patch was growing or shrinking with the centrifugal forces, and whether there were any expansions at the center or shoulders of the tire patch.

This information became extremely useful in the development of a more robust, better-handling tire design.

Similar Applications:

  • High-SpeedtFlat track testing system (with our newest High Speed tire system)
  • Detailed tire tread analysis (static or rolling)
  • Racing tire design (automobile, bicycle, motorcycle, etc.)

Our Newest Automotive and Tire Tread Pressure Ebooks:

Pressure mapping data can inform and improve vehicle performance analysis in many different places, from the aerodynamics of car door seals, brake performance, gaskets, and of course, tire tread contact pressure. Download our detailed ebooks on our solutions, or contact us for to discuss your application and needs with an engineer.


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