(Video) Data that Guides a Conversation with Your Patients

As a dental practitioner, you’re used to taking risks. Breaking old habits and seeking new outlets to advance your practice comes with both the capital investment of purchasing new technology or equipment, but also taking a moral risk to trust that a new piece of equipment will deliver on its promise to benefit your practice and patients.

However, when a tool is supported with a proven track record for success, the way T-Scan™ digital occlusal analysis is, these risks can be mitigated.

Dr. Ben Sutter (DMD, FAGD, MICCMO, LVIF), a T-Scan user for more than 10 years, saw an immediate impact when he made T-Scan part of his everyday workflow. Not only does T-Scan allow him to measure the patient’s bite in real-time, but the clear, digital occlusal data, truly helps his patients visualize and understand the root cause of their pain.

T-Scan helps Dr. Sutter guide a conversation with his patients, giving them peace of mind to trust his treatment program – a return on investment that he considers to be absolutely priceless.

Watch this short video for an in-depth story into the many ways T-Scan has impacted Dr. Sutter’s practice.



This video is part of a continuing T-Scan Tell-All vlog series, featuring Dr. Ben A. Sutter (DMD, FAGD, MICCMO, LVIF). Stay tuned for future editions!

How are Other Dentists Using T-Scan in their Everyday Practice?

This eBook provides more evidence from dentists around the world who use T-Scan in cosmetic dentistry, prosthetics, and more! 

Download This FREE eBook Now!



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